Laura Laplaud 08:53 AM, August 16, 2023

One year before the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the debates around its organization continue. Alexis Corbière, deputy La France insoumise of Seine-Saint-Denis, guest of Europe 1 Matin Wednesday, asks the government that the 45,000 volunteers be requalified as employees and paid.

"45,000 young volunteers for the next Olympic Games in #Paris. The money will be there: nearly 9 billion euros in revenue expected. It is a diversion from the spirit of volunteerism. Wouldn't there be, in truth, a concealed work?" wrote Alexis Corbière, deputy La France insoumise of Seine-Saint-Denis, on his account X (ex-Twitter) last March.

On August 8, the MP alerted the Minister of Sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games about the "possible hidden salaried work of the 45,000 future volunteers" of the Games. And asked that these volunteers be requalified "as employees, under contract, so that they can receive an honest salary in view of their real functions and tasks". "Volunteering is essential to the sports movement. But the volunteering of people who take their time for small clubs, small associations, it's one thing, but a big event that will brew billions of euros, I find it a little spicy, "said the deputy at the microphone of Europe 1 this Wednesday.

"It's a diversion from the spirit of volunteering"

It is the most anticipated sporting event of the year and controversies and criticism are multiplying about it. Ticket prices, various projects related to its organization, hiring of many undocumented migrants, question of volunteers... The Paris 2024 Olympic Games have not finished talking.

The organization needs 45,000 volunteers, responsible for welcoming the public, athletes and the media. Volunteers who will have to pay for transportation to the capital as well as accommodation since the organization of the Olympic Games will not take care of either. These volunteers will work between eight and ten hours a day, six days a week. A grotesque situation according to Alexis Corbière.

"It's salaried employment in disguise. This is a diversion from the spirit of volunteerism. And I disagree. When there are such investments that you have big soft drink brands that will make profits, big sports equipment manufacturers that will make even more profits, it is not normal that all the people who will work hard for 15 days are not paid at all," he exclaims.

>> More information to follow...